< Return to Summary | File Generated: Thu May 09 2024 14:54:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

order-deletion >> unknown-order

Booking Flow:

Opportunity Type:

Feature: Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)

Test: Expect a UnknownOrderError for an Order that does not exist

Runs Order Deletion for a non-existent Order (with a fictional UUID), expecting an UnknownOrderError error to be returned

Running only this test

npm start -- --runInBand test/features/core/order-deletion/implemented/unknown-order-test.js

Is this test failing?

The OpenActive Reference Implementation test result for this test can be used as a reference to help with debugging.

✅ 3 passed with 0 failures, 0 warnings and 0 suggestions

✅ Order Deletion

delete-order Request

DELETE https://localhost:5001/api/openbooking/orders/e81c20d3-f4d1-4dcd-bca2-3169e6e0b072

Response status code: 404 Not Found. Responded in 86.794576ms.

  "@context": "https://openactive.io/",
  "@type": "UnknownOrderError",
  "name": "The Booking System has no 'Order' matching the one requested.",
  "statusCode": 404
