Summary of Test Suite Results for 'OpenActive Reference Implementation'
Mode: Random
✅ 23272 passing
▼ Generic
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner OpenID Authentication for Multiple Seller Systems (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner OpenID Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
✅ Core / Dataset Site (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Dynamic Client Registration for Multiple Seller Systems (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
✅ Core / Single Seller (Not Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingApprovalFlow >> IndividualFacilityUseSlot
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 182 warnings, 0 suggestions, 30 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 159 warnings, 0 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 185 warnings, 0 suggestions, 30 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 138 warnings, 0 suggestions, 24 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 159 warnings, 0 suggestions, 24 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 130 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 13 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 11 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and successful cancellation after atomic failed cancellation request: (0 failures, 418 warnings, 0 suggestions, 45 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 164 warnings, 0 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 135 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 114 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 124 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 115 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 65 warnings, 0 suggestions, 11 passes)
✅ Free opportunities must have either a `openBookingPrepayment` value of Unspecified, or have no `openBookingPrepayment` specified: (0 failures, 0 warnings, 0 suggestions, 3 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 67 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 82 warnings, 0 suggestions, 11 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 120 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Minimal Proposal Implementation - Book an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking using the Booking Flow with Approval: (0 failures, 96 warnings, 0 suggestions, 23 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Customer: (0 failures, 89 warnings, 0 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal not yet accepted by the Seller: (0 failures, 95 warnings, 0 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Seller: (0 failures, 105 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 104 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 66 warnings, 0 suggestions, 15 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 109 warnings, 0 suggestions, 25 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 38 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 35 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 44 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 104 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 120 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 73 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 61 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 96 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 79 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Proposal Amendment - Amend an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingApprovalFlow >> Multiple
✅ Access / accessChannel update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessChannel - Seller provided remote access (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 860 warnings, 252 suggestions, 105 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 776 warnings, 216 suggestions, 91 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 759 warnings, 216 suggestions, 100 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 660 warnings, 180 suggestions, 84 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 711 warnings, 198 suggestions, 94 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 575 warnings, 162 suggestions, 75 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 66 warnings, 18 suggestions, 49 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 64 warnings, 18 suggestions, 49 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 664 warnings, 180 suggestions, 71 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 598 warnings, 162 suggestions, 60 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 587 warnings, 162 suggestions, 60 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 575 warnings, 162 suggestions, 60 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 597 warnings, 162 suggestions, 60 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 338 warnings, 90 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 353 warnings, 90 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 191 warnings, 48 suggestions, 28 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Minimal Proposal Implementation - Book an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking using the Booking Flow with Approval: (0 failures, 532 warnings, 144 suggestions, 58 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Customer: (0 failures, 468 warnings, 126 suggestions, 57 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal not yet accepted by the Seller: (0 failures, 431 warnings, 126 suggestions, 52 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Seller: (0 failures, 459 warnings, 126 suggestions, 56 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 525 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 302 warnings, 90 suggestions, 45 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 569 warnings, 162 suggestions, 65 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 224 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 212 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 206 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 209 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 540 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 469 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 107 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 113 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 186 warnings, 48 suggestions, 28 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 162 warnings, 48 suggestions, 28 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 95 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 178 warnings, 48 suggestions, 28 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 107 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 286 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 335 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 487 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 307 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Proposal Amendment - Amend an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingApprovalFlow >> ScheduledSession
✅ Access / accessChannel update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessChannel - Seller provided remote access (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 138 warnings, 84 suggestions, 30 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 144 warnings, 72 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 120 warnings, 72 suggestions, 30 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 110 warnings, 60 suggestions, 24 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 66 suggestions, 24 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 106 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 11 warnings, 6 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 11 warnings, 6 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and successful cancellation after atomic failed cancellation request: (0 failures, 294 warnings, 180 suggestions, 45 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 60 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 96 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 110 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 100 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 110 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 57 warnings, 30 suggestions, 11 passes)
✅ Free opportunities must have either a `openBookingPrepayment` value of Unspecified, or have no `openBookingPrepayment` specified: (0 failures, 0 warnings, 0 suggestions, 3 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 59 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 64 warnings, 30 suggestions, 11 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 95 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Minimal Proposal Implementation - Book an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking using the Booking Flow with Approval: (0 failures, 91 warnings, 48 suggestions, 23 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Customer: (0 failures, 87 warnings, 42 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal not yet accepted by the Seller: (0 failures, 72 warnings, 42 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ OrderProposal rejected by the Seller: (0 failures, 80 warnings, 42 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 89 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 58 warnings, 30 suggestions, 15 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 103 warnings, 54 suggestions, 25 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 35 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 35 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 98 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 89 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 90 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 90 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 50 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 53 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 83 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 53 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 82 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Approval Flow / Proposal Amendment - Amend an opportunity using an OrderProposal (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingSimpleFlow >> IndividualFacilityUseSlot
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 151 warnings, 0 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 140 warnings, 0 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 154 warnings, 0 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 114 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 157 warnings, 0 suggestions, 24 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 0 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 11 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 15 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and successful cancellation after atomic failed cancellation request: (0 failures, 360 warnings, 0 suggestions, 41 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 110 warnings, 0 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 98 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 98 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 88 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 106 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 62 warnings, 0 suggestions, 8 passes)
✅ Free opportunities must have either a `openBookingPrepayment` value of Unspecified, or have no `openBookingPrepayment` specified: (0 failures, 0 warnings, 0 suggestions, 3 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 69 warnings, 0 suggestions, 8 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 103 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 95 warnings, 0 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 67 warnings, 0 suggestions, 15 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 130 warnings, 0 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 47 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 38 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 0 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 87 warnings, 0 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 87 warnings, 0 suggestions, 17 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 67 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 94 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 95 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 68 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 61 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 103 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 74 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 86 warnings, 0 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 68 warnings, 0 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingSimpleFlow >> Multiple
✅ Access / accessChannel update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessChannel - Seller provided remote access (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 845 warnings, 234 suggestions, 101 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 752 warnings, 198 suggestions, 87 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 695 warnings, 198 suggestions, 96 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 564 warnings, 162 suggestions, 80 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 755 warnings, 198 suggestions, 94 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 574 warnings, 162 suggestions, 75 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 76 warnings, 18 suggestions, 49 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 67 warnings, 18 suggestions, 49 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 576 warnings, 162 suggestions, 67 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 507 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 538 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 517 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 496 warnings, 144 suggestions, 56 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 342 warnings, 90 suggestions, 28 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 107 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 356 warnings, 90 suggestions, 28 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 161 warnings, 42 suggestions, 23 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 115 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 424 warnings, 126 suggestions, 52 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 323 warnings, 90 suggestions, 45 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 540 warnings, 144 suggestions, 61 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 194 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 200 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 242 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 203 warnings, 54 suggestions, 27 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 430 warnings, 126 suggestions, 52 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 438 warnings, 126 suggestions, 52 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 156 warnings, 42 suggestions, 23 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 164 warnings, 42 suggestions, 23 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 118 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 100 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 168 warnings, 42 suggestions, 23 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 112 warnings, 30 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 290 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 308 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 426 warnings, 126 suggestions, 51 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 323 warnings, 90 suggestions, 44 passes)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
▼ OpenBookingSimpleFlow >> ScheduledSession
✅ Access / accessChannel update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessChannel - Seller provided remote access (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessCode - manual access codes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control barcodes (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass - Seller provided access control images (Implemented)
✅ Access / accessPass update notifications (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Additional Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / AgentBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Core / Amending the OrderQuote before B (Implemented)
⚠️ Amend, at C1 and C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 143 warnings, 78 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C1, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 115 warnings, 66 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ Amend, at C2, an existing OrderQuote: (0 failures, 126 warnings, 66 suggestions, 26 passes)
⚠️ Run C2 with different details from C1: (0 failures, 87 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
✅ Leasing / Anonymous leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Simple Book including Attendee Details capture (Implemented)
✅ Core / Availability Checking (Implemented)
✅ Authentication / Booking Partner Authentication (Implemented)
✅ Restrictions / validFromBeforeStartDate booking window (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-business Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxGross) (Implemented)
✅ Tax / Business-to-consumer Tax Calculation (TaxNet) (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / latestCancellationBeforeStartDate cancellation window (Implemented)
✅ Core / Common error conditions (Implemented)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteBrokerDetailsError when broker details are missing name: (0 failures, 124 warnings, 66 suggestions, 24 passes)
⚠️ Expect an IncompleteCustomerDetailsError when customer details are missing the required email property: (0 failures, 96 warnings, 54 suggestions, 20 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `acceptedOffer`: (0 failures, 9 warnings, 6 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Test for IncompleteOrderItemError with missing `orderedItem`: (0 failures, 9 warnings, 6 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details identifier capture (Implemented)
✅ Details Capture / Customer Details non-essential capture (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Customer notice notifications (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Customer Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking and successful cancellation after atomic failed cancellation request: (0 failures, 289 warnings, 162 suggestions, 41 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and cancellation.: (0 failures, 89 warnings, 54 suggestions, 22 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemIdInvalidError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 87 warnings, 48 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a OrderItemNotWithinOrderError for an Order that does not exist: (0 failures, 88 warnings, 48 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchContainsExcessivePropertiesError: (0 failures, 89 warnings, 48 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking and unsuccessful cancellation due to PatchNotAllowedOnPropertyError: (0 failures, 88 warnings, 48 suggestions, 16 passes)
✅ Payment / Free opportunities (Implemented)
⚠️ Successful booking of free opportunity with idempotency: (0 failures, 59 warnings, 30 suggestions, 8 passes)
✅ Free opportunities must have either a `openBookingPrepayment` value of Unspecified, or have no `openBookingPrepayment` specified: (0 failures, 0 warnings, 0 suggestions, 3 passes)
⚠️ Fail free bookings which include erroneous payment property: (0 failures, 59 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without Checkpoints: (0 failures, 64 warnings, 30 suggestions, 8 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 77 warnings, 42 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property is non-zero for free opportunities: (0 failures, 56 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Core / Multiple Sellers (Implemented)
✅ Leasing / Named leasing, including leaseExpires (Implemented)
✅ Broker Role / NoBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Opportunities with a non-zero price (Implemented)
✅ Notifications / Opportunity attendance updates (Implemented)
✅ Core / Order Deletion Endpoint (Implemented)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 76 warnings, 42 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ Order quote successfully deleted, second delete does not change the state of the first delete: (0 failures, 47 warnings, 30 suggestions, 15 passes)
⚠️ Order successfully deleted: (0 failures, 80 warnings, 48 suggestions, 21 passes)
✅ Core / Past opportunities (Implemented)
✅ Payment / Payment reconciliation detail validation (Implemented)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 35 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - incorrect reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when no payment required: (0 failures, 38 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation - missing reconciliation details, when payment required: (0 failures, 29 warnings, 18 suggestions, 7 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is not required: (0 failures, 83 warnings, 42 suggestions, 17 passes)
⚠️ Payment reconciliation detail validation, where payment is required: (0 failures, 68 warnings, 42 suggestions, 17 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment optional (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment `identifier` is not supplied: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, with `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 69 warnings, 42 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Prepayment optional, without `payment` supplied, is successful: (0 failures, 68 warnings, 42 suggestions, 16 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment required and unavailable (Implemented)
✅ Payment / prepayment required (Implemented)
⚠️ IncompletePaymentDetailsError must be returned in the case that payment details are not supplied: (0 failures, 50 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Unsuccessful booking without payment property: (0 failures, 50 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successful booking with payment property: (0 failures, 76 warnings, 42 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Payment / prepayment unavailable (Implemented)
⚠️ UnnecessaryPaymentDetailsError must be returned when payment property (incomplete or otherwise) is included: (0 failures, 53 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Fail on unnecessary payment property: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
⚠️ Successfully book paid Opportunity: (0 failures, 69 warnings, 42 suggestions, 16 passes)
⚠️ Expect a TotalPaymentDueMismatchError when the totalPaymentDue property does not match: (0 failures, 48 warnings, 30 suggestions, 14 passes)
✅ Broker Role / ResellerBroker mode (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / cancellationMessage for Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Cancellation (Implemented)
✅ Cancellation / Seller Requested Replacement (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)
✅ Terms / termsOfService without requiresExplicitConsent (Implemented)