
Open Booking API Test Interface

This is the specification and JSON-LD namespace for the test interface of the Open Booking API.

Status: Draft Please Provide Feedback via GitHub


This specification and namespace is in a draft state, however every effort will be made in subsequent revisions to maintain the IDs associated with the enumerations defined here.


This interface must be implemented by the Booking System to make use of the “Controlled” test mode within the OpenActive Test Suite. For the “Random” test mode, opportunities that match the criteria specified in the TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration enumeration must exist in the Booking System.

This interface and associated namespace is defined as a convenience to aid testing of the Open Booking API. Booking Systems MUST NOT expose this interface in production environments.


The namespace MUST be referenced using the URL "https://openactive.io/test-interface" (which will return the JSON-LD definition if the Accept header contains application/ld+json), and is designed to be used in conjunction with the "https://openactive.io/" namespace.

Test Interface Endpoints

The Test Interface Endpoints are specified relative to the same Base URI that is defined in the Open Booking API.

Datasets Endpoints

To use the “Controlled” test mode within the OpenActive Test Suite, the /test-interface/datasets endpoints must be implemented. They are not required for “Random” test mode.

A testDatasetIdentifier is set in the configuration of the OpenActive Test Suite instance, and is reused across multiple test runs of the same instance. This allows any existing test data to be cleaned up, while still allowing multiple test suite instances to execute against a shared booking system environment simultaneously.

DELETE /test-interface/datasets/:testDatasetIdentifier

This endpoint deletes all opportunities within a given testDatasetIdentifier, and also deletes any Orders and OrderItems associated with them.

The endpoint is called just once before each test run, when the OpenActive Test Suite is run in “Controlled” test mode.

It must clean up test data from previous test runs for the given testDatasetIdentifier.

Example Request

This request would delete all opportunities within the test dataset “uat-ci”.

DELETE /test-interface/datasets/uat-ci HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:35 GMT
Accept: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1

POST /test-interface/datasets/:testDatasetIdentifier/opportunities

This endpoint creates an opportunity in the Booking System, that matches the specified criteria.

The endpoint is called (potentially multiple times) before each individual test starts executing, when the OpenActive Test Suite is run in “Controlled” test mode.

The endpoint must accept a bookable opportunity type, which includes:

The Booking System must create an opportunity of the type specified in @type (taking also into account @type of superEvent or facilityUse) that matches all of the defined constraints (e.g. the criteria), within the specified notional “Test Dataset” defined by the testDatasetIdentifier within the path.

Example Request

This request would create a new ScheduledSession, within the test dataset “uat-ci”, that meets the criteria specified in https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookable, for the organizer with @id https://id.booking-system.example.com/organizer/3.

POST /test-interface/datasets/uat-ci/opportunities HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:35 GMT
Accept: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1

  "@context": [
  "@type": "ScheduledSession",
  "superEvent": {
    "@type": "SessionSeries",
    "organizer": {
      "@type": "Organization",
      "@id": "https://id.booking-system.example.com/organizer/3"
  "test:testOpenBookingFlow": "https://openactive.io/test-interface#OpenBookingSimpleFlow",
  "test:testOpportunityCriteria": "https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookable"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1

  "@context": "https://openactive.io/",
  "@type": "ScheduledSession",
  "@id": "https://id.booking-system.example.com/scheduled-sessions/42"

Actions Endpoint

POST /test-interface/actions

The /test-interface/actions endpoint is called to simulate a Booking System instigated action for the specified opportunity.

The endpoint is called when the OpenActive Test Suite is run in both “Controlled” and “Random” test modes, only for those tests that depend on test action functionality being available in the Booking System.

If this endpoint is not implemented, the features whose tests depend on this endpoint must be configured to “disabled-tests” mode, to allow the test suite to run successfully.

The Booking System must respond with a 204 status code and an empty body to indicate success.

Example Request

This request would execute the simulation specified by test:SellerRequestedCancellationSimulateAction on the ScheduledSession with @id of https://id.booking-system.example.com/session-series/42.

POST /test-interface/actions HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:35 GMT
Accept: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1

  "@context": [
  "@type": "test:SellerRequestedCancellationSimulateAction",
  "object": {
    "@type": "Order",
    "@id": "https://id.booking-system.example.com/orders/92e55c9f-ba86-471c-9cb4-5030188423b1"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:52:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.openactive.booking+json; version=1



(Class) Property Expected Type Description
test:TestOpenBookingFlowEnumeration The open booking flow that a created Opportunity and Offer pair should support.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration The opportunity criteria which the Event conforms to.


Class subClasses Description
test:OpenBookingSimulateAction schema:Action An action that invokes a simulation of a specific behaviour within the booking system.
test:TestOpenBookingFlowEnumeration schema:Enumeration An enumeration of open booking flow that an Opportunity and Offer pair can be booked with.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration schema:Enumeration An enumeration of test opportunity criteria to which an opportunity must conform.
test:AccessChannelUpdateSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate an update to a booking’s accessChannel (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem’s accessChannel changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:AccessCodeUpdateSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate an update to a booking’s accessCode (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem’s accessCode changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:AccessPassUpdateSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate an update to a booking’s accessPass (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem’s accessPass changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:AttendeeAbsentSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate confirming a customer as not having attended the activity that they booked (spec, with updated status values as defined in issue #199). Expectations: An OrderItem’s orderItemStatus changes to https://openactive.io/AttendeeAbsent; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:AttendeeAttendedSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate confirming a customer as having attended the activity that they booked (spec, with updated status values as defined in issue #199). Expectations: An OrderItem’s orderItemStatus changes to https://openactive.io/AttendeeAttended; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:ChangeOfLogisticsLocationSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate changing the location of an Opportunity after a customer has already booked it (spec, with the opportunity data in the Orders RPDE feed as defined in issue #198). Expectations: A booked Opportunity’s location changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed, with the modified opportunity data included.
test:ChangeOfLogisticsNameSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate changing the name of an Opportunity after a customer has already booked it (spec, with the opportunity data in the Orders RPDE feed as defined in issue #198). Expectations: A booked Opportunity’s name changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed, with the modified opportunity data included.
test:ChangeOfLogisticsTimeSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate changing the time of an Opportunity after a customer has already booked it (spec, with the opportunity data in the Orders RPDE feed as defined in issue #198). Expectations: A booked Opportunity’s startDate, endDate, or duration changes to a new value; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed, with the modified opportunity data included.
test:CustomerNoticeSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate providing a notice to a customer about a booking that they have made (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem should have customerNotice set to some text; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:ReplacementSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate replacing a customer’s booked Opportunity with another equivalent one (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem should have its booked Opportunity (via .orderedItem) changed to a different Opportunity with, among other things, a different ID; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed, with the replaced opportunity included.
test:SellerAcceptOrderProposalSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate the seller approving a customer’s OrderProposal (spec, with the Order Proposals RPDE feed as defined in issue #197). Expectations: It should now be possible to complete the booking with B; the OrderProposal’s orderProposalStatus is set to https://openactive.io/SellerAccepted; and the OrderProposal is updated in the booking system’s Order Proposals RPDE feed.
test:SellerAmendOrderProposalSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate the seller amending a customer’s OrderProposal (spec, with the Order Proposals RPDE feed as defined in issue #197). Expectations: The OrderProposal’s orderProposalVersion is changed and later attempts to complete the booking with B will only succeed with this new orderProposalVersion; and the OrderProposal is updated in the booking system’s Order Proposals RPDE feed.
test:SellerRejectOrderProposalSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate the seller rejecting a customer’s OrderProposal (spec, with the Order Proposals RPDE feed as defined in issue #197). Expectations: It should not be possible to complete the booking with B; the OrderProposal’s orderProposalStatus is set to https://openactive.io/SellerRejected; and the OrderProposal is updated in the booking system’s Order Proposals RPDE feed.
test:SellerRequestedCancellationSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate the seller cancelling an activity that a customer has booked (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem’s orderItemStatus changes to https://openactive.io/SellerCancelled; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.
test:SellerRequestedCancellationWithMessageSimulateAction test:OpenBookingSimulateAction Simulate the seller cancelling an activity that a customer has booked, and providing a message to the customer (spec). Expectations: An OrderItem’s orderItemStatus changes to https://openactive.io/SellerCancelled, and the same OrderItem has a cancellationMessage set; and the Order is updated in the booking system’s Orders RPDE feed.

Enumeration Values

Type Value Description
test:TestOpenBookingFlowEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#OpenBookingApprovalFlow Booking Flow with Approval: Booking flow that requires Seller approval before booking
test:TestOpenBookingFlowEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#OpenBookingSimpleFlow Simple Booking Flow: Booking flow that does not require approval
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1. If both free and paid opportunities are supported by the Booking System, the resulting opportunity should be randomly either free or paid.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableAdditionalDetails Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with an openBookingFlowRequirement of https://openactive.io/OpenBookingIntakeForm.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableAttendeeDetails Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with an openBookingFlowRequirement of https://openactive.io/OpenBookingAttendeeDetails. If both free and paid opportunities are supported by the Booking System, the resulting opportunity should be randomly either free or paid.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableCancellable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and includes at least one Offer without latestCancellationBeforeStartDate and with allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund set to true.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableCancellableOutsideWindow Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund set to true, except with latestCancellationBeforeStartDate outside of range.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableCancellableWithinWindow Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund set to true and with latestCancellationBeforeStartDate in range.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableFiveSpaces Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity == 5.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableFree Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has a price of 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableFreePrepaymentOptional Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has a openBookingPrepayment value of https://openactive.io/Optional and a price of 0. This criteria violates the specification, and is only used internally by the OpenActive Test Suite. An implementation of the Test Interface on the Booking System must return an error for this value.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableFreePrepaymentRequired Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has a openBookingPrepayment value of https://openactive.io/Required and a price of 0. This criteria violates the specification, and is only used internally by the OpenActive Test Suite. An implementation of the Test Interface on the Booking System must return an error for this value.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableInPast Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with endDate in the past.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNoSpaces Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity == 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFree Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and includes at least one Offer with Offer.price > 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFreePrepaymentOptional Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has a openBookingPrepayment value of https://openactive.io/Optional and a price greater than 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFreePrepaymentRequired Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has either no openBookingPrepayment value specified or a openBookingPrepayment value of https://openactive.io/Required, and a price greater than 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFreePrepaymentUnavailable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, where at least one Offer has a openBookingPrepayment value of https://openactive.io/Unavailable and a price greater than 0.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFreeTaxGross Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, and including at least one Offer with Offer.price > 0, and where taxMode of the seller is https://openactive.io/TaxGross.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNonFreeTaxNet Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, and including at least one Offer with Offer.price > 0, and where taxMode of the seller is https://openactive.io/TaxNet.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableNotCancellable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and includes at least one Offer with latestCancellationBeforeStartDate outside of range, or with allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund set to false.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableOneSpace Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity == 1.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableOutsideValidFromBeforeStartDate Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and a startDate outside of range of validFromBeforeStartDate.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableOutsideValidFromBeforeStartDateWindow Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with validFromBeforeStartDate provided, except where validFromBeforeStartDate subtracted from the startDate is in the future.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableSellerTermsOfService Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with organizer or provider containing a termsOfService property.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableUsingPayment Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and includes at least one Offer with Offer.price > 0 and a openBookingPrepayment value that is not https://openactive.io/Unavailable.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableWithNegotiation Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with an openBookingFlowRequirement of https://openactive.io/OpenBookingNegotiation. If both free and paid opportunities are supported by the Booking System, the resulting opportunity should be randomly either free or paid.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableWithinValidFromBeforeStartDate Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and a startDate in range of validFromBeforeStartDate.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityBookableWithinValidFromBeforeStartDateWindow Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1 and including at least one Offer with validFromBeforeStartDate provided, and where validFromBeforeStartDate subtracted from the startDate is in the past.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityOfflineBookable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, and has eventAttendanceMode equal to MixedEventAttendanceMode or OfflineEventAttendanceMode. If both free and paid opportunities are supported by the Booking System, the resulting opportunity should be randomly either free or paid.
test:TestOpportunityCriteriaEnumeration https://openactive.io/test-interface#TestOpportunityOnlineBookable Bookable Opportunity with Bookable Offer, with remainingAttendeeCapacity > 1, and has eventAttendanceMode equal to MixedEventAttendanceMode or OnlineEventAttendanceMode. If both free and paid opportunities are supported by the Booking System, the resulting opportunity should be randomly either free or paid.